Why Trusting God's Plan is the Key to Crushing Your Goals


Following God's Plan to Crush Your Goals

There’s a misconception amongst Christians that pursuing goals somehow goes against God’s plan for our lives. But in actuality, God gives us spiritual gifts so we can pursue them and still glorify Him.

I wanted to share a few passages from the Bible:

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” - Jeremiah 29:11

“Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, ‘Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.’ And God granted his request.” - 1 Chronicles 4:10

God’s Promise

Jeremiah tells us that God has an amazing plan for you. It’s a plan for success and joy. That plan was planted in your heart. You have been given the desire to succeed and manifest His work in this world.

But how do you find the plan?” We need to look inside ourselves. Take time to think about these when you’re praying:

    1. What are you passionate about? We have free will to follow our dreams but remember the gifts and talents you’ve been given. What excites you? Ask God to show you how to glorify Him through your passion.

    2. Are you pushing it away? Is there something in the back of your mind you're trying to avoid? Ask God to reveal it to you and to help you understand it. This may contain God's plan for you that your ego wants to avoid. Your ego is that part of you that wants your will, not God's.

    3. "Then what?" Ask yourself, “Once I achieve that goal, then what would I want?” Keep asking "then what" until you have your epiphany. Your “ah-ha” moment when you understand the ultimate plan for your life.

Trust the Process

God won’t reveal the whole plan at once.

After all, you might get scared if you discovered God wanted you to start an award-winning, international record label, signing 10 artists, releasing 10 albums a year for the next 10 years, developing artists, and sharing your testimony, giving back to the people,and dealing with the bitterness and jealousy of your peers and haters.

God doesn't seem to write with straight lines. The path may meander about, especially when you follow your own will. God then re-writes the path and you're set again.

The key is trusting that God has everything in hand, even when you can't see more than 10 feet in front of you. 

The Prayer of Jabez

Once you know the direction you're going, even if you only know the first step or two, let God know you're ready.

Consider these ideas found in the story of Jabez: 

    1. Jabez asked God to "bless me and enlarge my territory."  You can ask God to:

        ◦ Bless you with the wisdom, knowledge, and resources needed to accomplish His plan for you.

        ◦ Bless your business, so it expands in every way according to God's will for you.

    2. Then Jabez requested, "Let your hand be with me…" 

        ◦ Ask God to guide and direct you, to inspire you, and let you know each succeeding step.

        ◦ Tell God that you'll listen to His messages to you. Stay in communication with God through prayer.

    3. Lastly, Jabez asked, "… keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain."

        ◦ Ask for God's protection in every area of your life - for you, your family, and your business.

        ◦ Implied in your request is that your actions will be according to God's word.

    4. Then, you're told that God granted his request.

        ◦ God promised through Jeremiah that He has plans for you: "… plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

When you’re living God's plan for you and asking for guidance, the goals you set will be according to that plan. Your goals are God's goals for you. You can reach those goals and all your future ones as well.